Welcome 2 My Playground! from KH.com*


 メニューにある About_ING* にも書きましたが、レンタルサーバーの大幅アプデにともなって、サイトのデータが使えなくなったというのが1番の理由であります。何度もやっているスクラップアンドビルドを今回もまた、という状況です。

 以前からこの空間では WordPress を使用しているのですが、刷新にあたって、これだ! というテーマを見つけることができました。Arkhe です。まさにこれ。純白の雪の中を申し訳ないような気持ちで文字が踊っている空間、または自ら踊れる空間。こういった空間を作りたかったんですよ、本当に。




We have revamped this space that could be called a playground. Or rather, I did so reluctantly.
As I mentioned in the About_ING* section of the menu, the main reason is that the data on the site is no longer available due to a major update of the rental server. I’ve done this scrap-and-build thing many times, and I’m doing it again this time.

But it’s not all bad.
I have been using WordPress for this space for a long time, and in the renewal process, I was able to find the right theme, Arkhe. I wanted to create a space where the letters are dancing apologetically in the pure white snow, or a space where they can dance by themselves. I really wanted to create this kind of space.
There seems to be a paid version, but for me, the free version is enough, and great satisfaction is in progress. It seems that with the paid version, you can change the font (I think I saw something about that), but that’s OK. Not yet. I’m not sure.

So, that’s it.
From categories to whatnot, I’m not sure if I want to do what I used to do again, but I still want to start something new. I’m still learning how to use this theme. I would like to keep on creating, and I will continue to do so.
