

指の数ほどは恋をしたいし、いつだって遊びをクリエイトしたいし、1度は往年の佐竹雅昭氏の髪型にして図書館で働きたい。満点なんて望んでいない。人生は永遠の β 版。トライアンドエラー音(Kiss!)を胸に響かせ、思考の群雄割拠を堪能中。




Kazuyuki Hidaka
Jan 23, 2023


I want to fall in love as many times as I can count on my fingers, I always want to create fun, and once I want to work in a library with the haircut of Masaaki Satake of yesteryear. I don’t want a perfect score. Life is an eternal beta version. I’m enjoying the herd of thoughts with the sound of trial and error (Kiss!) echoing in my chest.

That’s it.
It was in the cold of the year before last that I realized, after years and decades of scrap-and-build, that I should just use the name itself as a domain. And now, we have created a space that can be called a playground.

Of course, this is not the final form.
Last year, the rental server underwent major maintenance, and the data was severely damaged (to the point of being unrecoverable) due to the server’s inability to handle the maintenance. This could happen again at any time, and even if it did, there is no telling what form it would take.

As a matter of course, we want to change even if it doesn’t, and we want to keep changing as we play. We would like to keep this in mind as we seek the optimal solution for the current situation and continue to work on the production.

Kazuyuki Hidaka
Jan 23, 2023