奔流に身を任せているのはいつの私かどの私か -Who is dancing themselves in the torrent?


 Twitter の使い方を考えていたら、面白いことを思いついた。当分は、以下の内容でやってみたいと思う。

・つぶやく時間を予約設定機能を用いて “即時” から “未来” に設定する
・あくまで “自分のつぶやき” についてであり、友達との繋がり(リプライ)や RT、情報収集などは変わらない


・RT は時間指定ができないので自分のつぶやきにかぎられる
・1番の問題は Twitter の仕様がこの先(それこそ Twitter の未来が)どうなるか分からないので、いつまで出来るか分からないところ


まさかの予約投稿数制限あり。その数、64。少ない! 64だなんて。即時つぶやきも併用すべきか、64という数を厳守すべきか。そうかぁ。64かぁ。少なすぎるでしょうよ、twitter。勘弁してくれえ。


●I was thinking about how to use Twitter and came up with an interesting idea. For the time being, I would like to try the following :

・Set the time of tweeting from “immediately” to “in the future” by using the “schedule setting” function.
 (The time of tweeting can be set up to 18 months in the future, so I’ll try to stay within that range.)
・The month, day, and time of the tweet are determined by using a random number maker, etc.
 (You do not decide by yourself.)
・Check your profile page once a day if possible, because you may miss your own tweets on the timeline.
・Only “my tweets”. Replies, RTs, information gathering, etc. will remain as before.
・When you tweet about updates to the site, do not skip to the future, but continue to tweet as before.

●The advantages and disadvantages of this usage that come to mind quickly are as follows :

・The fun of having tweets that you don’t know when, how you feel, or to what you wrote them suddenly appear on your timeline.
 (It is also possible because you will probably forget what you tweeted.)
・You can always check what you are going to tweet, and even cancel it or edit the content and date.
 (It is also possible to immediately end the tweet without anyone noticing and return to the original usage.)
・RT cannot be timed, so it is limited to your own tweets.
・The time and date of the tweet may not match the content of the tweet.
 (e.g. tweeting that it is cold in the middle of summer).
・I think that the people who follow me (and others who happen to see my tweets) will be confused.
 (I think it would be a blessing if they were only perplexed.)
・The biggest problem is that I don’t know how long I can do this because I don’t know what the Twitter specification will be in the future.

That is all.
I know you may be surprised to hear that it’s cold in the middle of summer, so I included an explanation in my profile. I hope everyone, including myself, can enjoy such a feeling of discomfort or confusion, and I’m going to tweet about it.

I didn’t expect there to be a limit to the number of reserved postings. That is 64 times. That’s so few! I can’t believe it’s 64 times. I wonder if I should also use regular tweets, or should I strictly adhere to the number of 64 tweets. I see…64 times. That’s too few, twitter!